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发布时间:2014-3-10 10:14:01    浏览次数: 18628 次


  The core part in insulating window is the two thermal insulating bars that connect two parts of the aluminum frame. The usage of insulating bar has required that it shall possess high mechanical performance; otherwise, its aging may result in falling off of window, door or curtain wall after long tern service, bringing remarkable quality and safety risks. Therefore, the selection of insulating bar is extremely important.


  The impurities inside insulating bars will bring negative influence to its mechanic performance. Some manufacturers add some reinforcing agent to the insulating bar material to improve its initial mechanic performance. However, since this kind of material has been processed and used for many times, there are a large among of degradable free radicals inside resin. After using for a while, some resin may encounter molecular chain fracture. For example, the combination between hydrogen bonds of neighboring nylon 6 modules is much weaker than that of nylon 66; as result, its thermal-resistance is relatively poor. After being produced into finished products, they may degrade easily and affect the overall thermal insulating performance.


  Since the thermal insulating aluminum window and door have the advantages of light weight, high strength, excellent rigidity, good corruption-resistance, non-hazardous, brilliant flame-resistance, large day lighting area, effective decoration and long service life, they are widely accepted by the society. However, due to application of unqualified material, the product may suffer poor mechanic performance and easy aging after using for a while, resulting in significant quality issues and safety issues. Meanwhile, rapid increase in raw material price drives rapid growth of product cost. Nowadays, the insulating bar market in China is complicated, as a lot of manufacturers adopt unqualified materials. Finally, the difference in quality and performance among branded material, drainage opening material and recycled material is significant.

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