[提要] 针对玻璃幕墙及采光顶结构设计中作用(荷载)计算、作用效应组合、安全玻璃定义、不同作用下玻璃强度取值、夹层玻璃计算方法、结构胶缝计算方法等,指出了存在的问题;探讨、研究了解决问题的方法或思路,供业内相关人士参考。
[Abstract] Some questions in structural design of glass curtain wall and glazing roof engineering are pointed out and discussed in this paper. They include calculation of some actions, combination of action effects, definition of safety glass, glass strengths under different action durations, calculation methods of laminated glass and structural sealant. Solutions and thoughts are given aimed at these questions, which could be referred to by professionals in this industry.
